Custom Visual Guide

Ultimate Variance
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Sam McKay

CEO & Founder

Ultimate Variance
This Chart is perfect to compare & visualize variances (Actual vs Budget,..) it as a IBCS (R) Table

Features are Chart Orientation, Small Multiples, some IBCS (R). The base visual shows a value, reference value and deviation. Two bars or Columns which are representing value and reference value are overlapped displayed. You can add to this base Chart an “Absolut Variance” Chart. Change the chart orientation either to horizontal for time series or to vertical for all other categories. Last but not least you can ad a “Percent Variance” Chart as well, so 3 charts in a row (Base, Absolut and Percent). Furthermore you can select each of the 3 charts as single or small multiple as well. Useful chart settings as you know already from other Charts are also available. The Charts follow somehow the IBCS (R) an International Business Communication Standard.


  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet