Custom Visual Guide

User List by CloudScope
Empty image or helper icon

Sam McKay

CEO & Founder

User List by CloudScope
User List displays lists of users, organizations or other data using Twitter styles

User List by CloudScope is a specialized grid-style component that allows you to display data about users, organizations or other data elements using familiar styles popularized by Twitter.

Map fields from your data model such as name, profile picture and description in addition to generic data fields to create a rich, stylized list. View this list in either compact or expanded format depending on your presentation needs.

User List is selection-enabled, so selecting an item acts as a filter for other visualizations on your report page.

The compact list can display:

  • Photo
  • Name
  • ScreenName
  • Verified status
  • and any number of data fields

while the expanded list adds:

  • Background photo
  • Description



When this add-in is used, it
Can read and make changes to your document
Can send data over the Internet