DAX Function Guide

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Sam McKay

CEO & Founder

How does the AVERAGE work?
As a type of aggregate function, the AVERAGE function (DAX) will return the average of all the numbers within a column.
AVERAGE Formula Syntax


How do you use the AVERAGE?

This function uses the specified column as its argument and counts up the average of the values placed within the column. 

Its lone parameter is the ColumnName, which is the column that has the numbers for which you want the average.   

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Considerations when using the AVERAGE?

If there are no rows to aggregate, the function returns a blank. But if there are rows but none of them meets the specified criteria, the function returns 0.  

If you want to find the average of an expression that evaluates to a set of numbers, use the AVERAGEX function instead. 

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Formula examples using the AVERAGE



=AVERAGE(A2:A6, 5)

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