DAX Function Guide

Empty image or helper icon

Sam McKay

CEO & Founder

How does the COUNTA work?
COUNTA function (DAX) counts the number of cells in a column that are not empty. It counts not just numeric values, but also rows that contain nonblank values such as text, dates, and logical values.
COUNTA Formula Syntax


How do you use the COUNTA?

The COUNTA function counts any type of information, and this includes error values and empty text. For example, if the range returns an empty string, the COUNTA function counts that value. What it does not count are empty cells.

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Considerations when using the COUNTA?

The only argument for this function is a column. When the function finds no rows that are non-blank, it returns a blank. COUNT function and COUNTA function are identical for all the data types except Boolean. COUNTA function can operate on a Boolean data type, while COUNT function cannot do that.

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