DAX Function Guide

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Sam McKay

CEO & Founder

How does the DATEVALUE work?
The DATEVALUE function (DAX) converts a date in the form of text to a date in datetime format.
DATEVALUE Formula Syntax


How do you use the DATEVALUE?

The DATEVALUE function uses the locale and date/time settings of the client computer to understand the text value when performing the conversion.

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Considerations when using the DATEVALUE?

If the current date/time settings represent dates in the format of Month/Day/Year, then the string, “1/8/2009”, would be converted to a datetime value equivalent to January 8th of 2009. However, if the current date and time settings represent dates in the format of Day/Month/Year, the same string would be converted as a datetime value equivalent to August 1st of 2009.

If the year portion of the date_text argument is omitted, the DATEVALUE function uses the current year from your computer’s built-in clock. Time information in the date_text argument is ignored.

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