Example 1
The following formula uses an expression as the second argument to calculate the total amount of taxes and shipping for each order in the table, InternetSales. The expected result is 375.7184.
= MAXX (
InternetSales, InternetSales[TaxAmt]+ InternetSales[Freight]
Example 2
The following formula first filters the table InternetSales, by using a FILTER expression, to return a subset of orders for a specific sales region, defined as [SalesTerritory] = 5. The MAXX function then evaluates the expression used as the second argument for each row of the filtered table, and returns the highest amount for taxes and shipping for just those orders. The expected result is 250.3724.
InternetSales,[SalesTerritoryCode]=”5″), InternetSales[TaxAmt]+ InternetSales[Freight]
Example 3
(East_Sales,East_Sales[No. of Units]*East_Sales[Unit Price]