DAX Function Guide

Sam McKay
CEO & Founder
How does the MIN work?
MIN Formula Syntax
= MIN(
= MIN(
How do you use the MIN?
The MIN function takes as an argument a column or two words, and returns the smallest value. The following values are counted in the columns:
- Numbers
- Texts
- Dates
- Blanks
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Considerations when using the MIN?
When comparing expressions, blank is treated as 0 when comparing. That is, Min(1,Blank() ) returns 0, and Min( -1, Blank() ) returns -1. If both arguments are blank, MIN returns a blank. MIN returns an error if either expression returns a value that is not allowed.
TRUE/FALSE values are not supported. If you want to evaluate a column of TRUE/FALSE values, use the MINA function.
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Formula examples using the MIN
Example 1
The following example returns the smallest value from the calculated column, ResellerMargin.
= MIN (
Example 2
The following example returns the smallest value from a column that contains dates and times, TransactionDate. This formula therefore returns the date that is earliest.
= MIN (
Example 3
The following example returns the smallest value from the result of two scalar expressions.
= MIN (
[TotalSales], [TotalPurchases]
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