DAX Function Guide

Sam McKay
CEO & Founder
How does the CONVERT work?
CONVERT Formula Syntax
<Expression>, <Datatype>
How do you use the CONVERT?
This function has two parameters: the scalar expression and the data type. The CONVERT function returns an error when a value cannot be converted to the specified data type. The data type can be Boolean, currency, datetime, double, integer, and string.
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Considerations when using the CONVERT?
DAX calculated columns must be a single data type. Since MEDIAN and MEDIANX functions return mixed data types, they will return an error. To avoid mixed data types, change the expression to always return the double data type.
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Formula examples using the CONVERT
SELECT CONVERT(INT, 5.95) result
SELECT CONVERT( CHAR( 20 ), order_date, 104 )
SELECT CONVERT( CHAR( 20 ), order_date, 7 )
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