DAX Function Guide

Sam McKay
CEO & Founder
How does the EARLIEST work?
EARLIEST Formula Syntax
How do you use the EARLIEST?
The EARLIEST function retrieves the value from the outermost row context. It is recommended using variable (VAR) saving the value when it is still accessible, before a new row context hides the required row context to access the desired value.
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Considerations when using the EARLIEST?
The EARLIEST function is similar to EARLIER, in which you can also specify the level of recursion.
The Results of Earliest and Earlier functions will be the same, if the parameter number of Earlier function is omitted or is set to 1.
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Formula examples using the EARLIEST
= COUNTROWS ( FILTER (Sales, EARLIEST (Sales[Sales Amount])>Sales[Sales Amount]) )+1
= COUNTROWS( FILTER( Country, [TotalSales] >= EARLIEST([TotalSales]) ) )
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