DAX Function Guide

Sam McKay
CEO & Founder
How does the ISLOGICAL work?
ISLOGICAL Formula Syntax
ISINSCOPE (<columnName>)
How do you use the ISLOGICAL?
ISLOGICAL function returns TRUE when a cell contains the logical values TRUE or FALSE, and returns FALSE for cells that contain any other value, including empty cells.
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Considerations when using the ISLOGICAL?
ISLOGICAL is part of a group of functions called the IS functions, which are often used to test the result of formulas for errors.
Use the ISLOGICAL function to check if a value is logical. ISLOGICAL will return TRUE when a value is TRUE or FALSE.
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Formula examples using the ISLOGICAL
//RETURNS: Is Boolean type or Logical
=IF(ISLOGICAL(true), "Is Boolean type or Logical", "Is different type")
//RETURNS: Is Boolean type or Logical
=IF(ISLOGICAL(false), "Is Boolean type or Logical", "Is different type")
//RETURNS: Is different type
=IF(ISLOGICAL(25), "Is Boolean type or Logical", "Is different type")
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