DAX Function Guide

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Sam McKay

CEO & Founder

How does the MINA work?
MINA function returns a column with the smallest value. Does not ignore both logical and text values.
MINA Formula Syntax


How do you use the MINA?

The MINA function corresponds to the MIN used for all data types except for Boolean with a single column as argument. When working with a Boolean data type MINA considers TRUE to be 1 and FALSE to be 0.

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Considerations when using the MINA?

The MINA function takes a column containing numbers as its argument, and calculates the smallest value as follows:

  • If the column contains no values, MINA returns 0 (zero).
  • Rows in the column that evaluates to logical values, such as TRUE and FALSE are treated as 1 if TRUE and 0 (zero) if FALSE.
  • Empty cells are ignored.

Use the MIN function if you want to compare text values.

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Formula examples using the MINA

Example 1

The following expression returns the minimum freight charge from the table, InternetSales.

= MINA (

Example 2

The following expression returns the minimum value in the column, PostalCode. Because the data type of the column is text, the function does not find any values, and the formula returns zero (0).

= MINA (

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