Unpack The Impact Of AI On Business, Jobs, And Education

What You’ll Learn From This Episode
1. How will AI change the way we learn analytics languages?
2. How Google is navigating the introduction of AI into their business model without destroying their main revenue streams.
3. Examining a controversial topic in the DAX universe and challenging the status quo on how to learn DAX.
Key Takeaways
Connect with Sam McKay
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sammckayenterprisedna/
Website: https://www.enterprisedna.co/
Connect with Brian Julius
About The Show
The Analytic Mind podcast provides an opportunity to learn from a diverse range of global data leaders. Hosted by Sam McKay, CEO of Enterprise DNA. Covered will be a range of data and analytics topics keeping you up to date with recent trends, organizational challenges, and opportunities for innovation in this exciting space.