Time Series Analysis Fundamentals
Discover the power of Time Series Analysis! Learn to forecast and identify trends, gaining valuable insights into the patterns of temporal data.
Trusted by 220,000+ people worldwide.
An outline of this training course
The Time Series Analysis course teaches you to analyze and forecast time series data, perfect for beginners. Learn to identify trends, seasonality, cycles, and irregularities. Gain practical skills in designing forecasting models, addressing time series challenges, and using advanced techniques like neural networks. By the end, you'll be ready to apply time series analysis for accurate, data-driven decisions. Join us to master forecasting!
What is needed to take this course
While a foundational understanding of statistical concepts will be beneficial, it is not mandatory. Familiarity with basic data visualization tools can be advantageous.
Who is the course for
This course caters to analysts, data enthusiasts, and business professionals keen on mastering the intricacies of time series data and its applications in forecasting and trend analysis.
Details of what you will learn in this course
Upon course completion, you will:
- Grasp the core principles and significance of Time Series Analysis.
- Explore into the intricacies of trend, seasonality, cyclic, and irregular patterns in time series data.
- Design, assess, and refine forecasting models for varied applications.
- Address and overcome challenges specific to time series analysis.
- Unlock the potential of advanced forecasting techniques, ensuring precision in predictions.
What you get with the course
- The Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Trend Analysis course is segmented into eight detailed chapters, each focusing on a vital aspect of time series analysis.
- Content is presented in a clear, text format, ensuring ease of understanding and reference.
- Assess your understanding with 3 quizzes, and challenge yourself with a comprehensive scenario-based test.
Program Level
Field(s) of Study
Statistics and Data Analysis
Instruction Delivery Method
QAS Self-study
***This course was published in September 2023
Enterprise DNA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org
What our
Students Say
Course Overview
Introduction to Time Series Analysis
Components of Time Series
Let's Pause and Review
Basics of Forecasting
Statistical Forecasting Methods
Let's Pause and Review
Trend Analysis
Advanced Forecasting Techniques
Let's Pause and Review
Common Challenges and Pitfalls
Conclusion and Next Steps

Sam McKay
CEO & Founder
- Sam is Enterprise DNA's CEO & Founder. He helps individuals and organizations develop data-driven cultures and create enterprise value by delivering business intelligence training and education on Microsoft’s Power BI platform
- He partners with business decision-makers and analysts across all industries and business functions.
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