Power BI for Data Science

4 Assets
18 Hours

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About This Path

Transform your Power BI capabilities by mastering R and Python, two powerful tools for advanced data analytics. This learning path enables you to enhance your reports with sophisticated statistical analyses and custom visualizations. You'll learn to handle complex datasets, perform intricate data transformations, and implement natural language processing to uncover deeper insights. By integrating R and Python into Power BI, you'll unlock new levels of flexibility and performance in data handling and visualization, preparing you to tackle more complex challenges and deliver impactful business intelligence solutions.

Who Should Take This Path


  • Individuals eager about analyzing data and creating insights with Power BI, R, and Python.
  • Professionals who want to maximize the potential of their organization's data assets.
  • Professionals who want to drive better business decisions using data.
  • Those interested in topics like machine learning and inferential statistics.


What Are The Path Requirements


  • Familiarity with R and Python programming languages.
  • Familiarity with packages like dplyr, tidyverse, skim R, seaborn, and matplotlib would be beneficial.
  • A Power BI account for Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service is required.
  • Understanding of concepts like hypothesis testing and p-values would be beneficial.


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