Mastering DAX Calculations
Create advanced analytical models by learning how to harness the power of DAX calculations for use within Power BI
Trusted by 220,000+ people worldwide.
An outline of this training course
Transform into an advanced Power BI user through our focused DAX language training. This course takes you from foundational theories to practical applications, teaching you to use DAX functions for complex calculations and compelling reports. Ideal for those familiar with Power BI basics, this training sharpens your skills and equips you to create impactful data solutions. Join us to unlock the full potential of DAX and enhance your data analysis skills!
Details of what you will learn in this course
- Learn - what DAX is and the journey required to master it
- Understand - what you can achieve with DAX if learnt well
- Review - DAX basics, including calculated columns vs measures, context & aggregation vs iteration formulas
- Understand - why a quality data model is so important
- Complete - a deep dive into simple aggregation and iterating functions
- Review - the concept of 'context' comprehensively
- Learn - the most important function in DAX, CALCULATE
- Learn - all the major table and filtering functions
- Review - how to use DAX in common analytical scenarios
- Gain - a detailed overview of time intelligence functions and how to use within your models
- Learn - advanced table functions and how to use them
- Master - some of the most complex topics around how DAX actually works
What you get with the course
- More than 9 hours of course videos
- 1x demo data sets to follow along when practicing all DAX formula
Here are the specifics for the course
Learn how to:
- Use DAX and also what you can achieve with DAX if utilised well
- Structure and format DAX formula
- Use DAX variables in your formulas effectively
- Use calculated columns and measures in your models
- Write aggregation, iteration and table DAX functions
- Implement DAX functions in combination with each other
- Visualise how the DAX calculation engine works via the concept of 'context'
- Audit your formulas by understand filter and row context
- Use the CALCULATE function in your analysis
- Add additional virtual filters to your calculations by using table functions
- Use DAX to solve common analytical scenarios you will face everyday in the real world
- Use time intelligence table along with a quality date table
- Use advanced table functions in unique calculation requirements
Program Level
Field(s) of Study
Computer Software & App
Instruction Delivery Method
QAS Self-study
CPE Credits Awarded
14 CPE Credits
***This course was last updated in December 2019
Enterprise DNA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
What our
Students Say
Mastering DAX Calculations
Introduction to DAX
DAX Basics
Getting started with DAX
Introducing Simple Table Functions
Expanding on CONTEXT
CALCULATE statement
Time Intelligence Functions
Advanced Techniques For Variables
Creating Virtual Relationships
Advanced Table Functions
Ranking Functions
Advanced DAX Formula Combination Examples
DAX Theoretical Foundations: Power BI Concepts Explained Quiz
Your Feedback
Continuous Learning

Sam McKay
CEO & Founder
- Sam is Enterprise DNA's CEO & Founder. He helps individuals and organizations develop data-driven cultures and create enterprise value by delivering business intelligence training and education on Microsoft’s Power BI platform
- He partners with business decision-makers and analysts across all industries and business functions.
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